- (2023) First Place in the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) - Robocup @home Category, Robocup Brasil.
-(2023) 5th Place of Best Paper Award from IEEE LARS-SBR, SBC - IEEE.
-(2023) Third Place at Robocup World 2022 Bangkok - Robocup @home Category, Robocup Federation.
-(2022) First Place in the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) - Robocup @home Category, Robocup Brasil.
-(2021) Third place in the Petrobras Robotics Challenge - Drones, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Robocup Brasil.
-(2021) Second place in the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) - Robocup @home category, Robocup Brasil.
-(2020) First place in the Petrobras Robotics Challenge - Drones, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Robocup Brasil.
-(2020) Third place in the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) - Robocup @home category, Robocup Brasil.
-(2019) Third Place in the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) - Robocup @home Category, Robocup Brasil.
-(2019) First place in the Petrobras Robotics Challenge - Drones, Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. - Robocup Brasil.
-(2019) 3rd Place of Best Paper Award from IEEE LARS-SBR, SBC - IEEE.
-(2018) 2nd Place of Best Paper Award from NAFIPS 2018, North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS.
-(2018) 3rd Place of Best Paper Award from BRACIS 2018, SBC.
-(2018) 2nd Place of Best Paper Award from SIBGRAPI 2018, SBC.
-(2018) 2nd Place of Best Paper Award from IEEE LARS-SBR, SBC - IEEE.
-(2018) Third Place in the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) - Robocup @home Category, SBC - Robocup Brasil.
-(2017) Finalist in the Doctorate Category at the XXX SBC Thesis and Dissertation Competition - CTD-CSBC, SBC.
-(2016) Second place in the PhD category at the Workshop of Theses and Dissertations - WTD/SIBGRAPI, CEGRAPI - SBC.
-(2016) Best Doctoral Thesis in Robotics 2015/2016 - CTDR/LARS-SBR, CER - SBR.
-(2016) Third place in the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) - Category F180, SBC - Robocup Brasil.
-(2012) ENIA 2012 Outstanding Paper (Top 3), SBC.
-(2012) Third place in the Latin American Robotics Competition (LARC) - Category F180, SBC - Robocup Brasil.
-(2011) Third place in the Brazilian Robotics Competition - F180, SBA - Robocup.
-(2011) Third place in the Robotics Summer School Poster Competition, IEEE Latin American Robotics Council and IEEE RAS Chile Chapter.
-(2011) ENIA 2011 Outstanding Paper (Top 3), SBC.
-(2010) Third place in the Master's Degree Category at the XXII SBC Thesis and Dissertation Competition - CTD-CSBC, SBC.
-(2007) Brazilian Robot Soccer Champion - Small Size Category (F180), SBA.
-(2007) Fifth place in the PV Category at Robocup World, Robocup Federation.
-(2006) Brazilian Robot Soccer Champion - Small Size Category (F180), SBC.
-(2006) Best Paper - IV Encontro Nacional de Robótica Inteligente (ENRI - CSB2006), SBC.